Projects & Albums

Voluspa EP

Of old was the age | when Ymir lived;

Sea nor cool waves | nor sand there were;

Voluspa is one of the oldest poem of nordic mythology, telling the story of the world.

Antonin Mège's first EP is a musical proposal of illustration for this prophetic poem.

Toccata Prima - for harpsichord

Boredom (of listlessness the pale abortion)

Of immortality takes the proportion!

Dedicated to harpsichordist Jorge Silva, the future piece for harpsichord is part of a recital with the theme of madness.

The first movement premiered on September 10 of 2020 in Milton Court Concert Hall.

La note Commune

Founded by Cora Joris and Antonin Mège, La Note Commune is a Youtube channel that popularizes classical music.

Launched in october 2021, La Note Commune unfolds the history of "classical" music. Supported by the Opéra national de Lorraine for some of the videos, the channel deals with orchestral music, instrumental music, opera and soon with music for the image...

(G)ronde : original music for the play

An evening. A generation. Meeting with the unknown. Clack. And now ?

(G)ronde is a play by Nolwenn Le Gal and Marine Torre, staged by Marine Torre and choreographed by Marina Latil with musics by Antonin Mège.